Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body


Your brain activities may improve if you indulge in regular physical exercise.
Well, exercise helps to keep you mind in shapes along with your body...
The positive effects of exercise on the brain which has been brought to light by researchers are:
1. enhanced mood
2. improved memory
3. increased brain blood flow
4. Reduce the effect of Alzheimer's disease
5. lower the effects of injury on the brain

Enhanced Mood
There were reports of improved mood, quality of life, personal morale, also reduced anxiety from a study which included inactive elderly adults who took part in three exercise-training sessions per week for four weeks.

Another study included mature adults who were formerly inactive undergoing a year-long working out program, with integrated aerobics exercise three times a week. This study on long term exercise reported in increased levels of morale.
It is generally seen that elderly people who work out reasonably on a usual basis get better sleep. This can be attributed to the fact that exercise is found to reduce the level of depression and anxiety. The researchers at Stanford Center for Research and the Emory University Sleep Disorders Program in Atlanta, have found out that the inactive adults don’t sleep as good as their exercising counterparts, because the adults who exercise have a sound and long sleep and spend less time on trying to fall asleep.
The obvious benefits of exercise include, improved muscle strength, flexibility, motion range, stamina and stance to name a few. All this gives a person a sense of independence and reduces dependence and depression.
Improved Memory
Generally aging bring along with it the reduction of you memory power, but with the help of exercise you can reduce the progression rate. The consequence of exercise on memory has been proven by many studies. One of which include a set of inactive elderly folks undergoing the activity of walking fast on a treadmill for an hour, thrice a week for four months. When they were compared to their inactive counterparts, they showed a considerable advancement in the memory and reaction time sheets.

Researchers also saw improvements in memory tests in the adults that had taken part in an activity for one hour three times per week for four months which included increasing the strength and flexibility of the person. People performing aerobic activity have show the most effects of memory-enhancing, but any kind of frequent exercise is better than none at all.
New retirees who take part in repeated exercise, like walking, jogging, calisthenics, bicycling, sports, dancing, or aerobics, do not show a deterioration in cognitive test scores, unlike their inactive counterparts whose cognitive test scores progressively declined over a four-year period. 
Improved Blood Flow in the Brain and reduced Stroke Risk
With age the risk of a stroke also increases, this is ma
inly due to the reduction in the blood flow in the brain. The similar four-year study mentioned above also established the fact that exercise keeps the blood flow in the cerebral constant and doesn’t allow it to drop, which was seen among the recently retired inactive people. Thus advocating that exercise helps reduce age-related decline in cerebral blood flow and may help in reducing the possibility of a stroke

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