Friday, December 30, 2011

New- Goals!

Like most, when you think back to the beginning of this year I bet you set yourself many New Year goals or resolutions. Maybe this was the year where you were finally going to lose weight and get fit, start your own business, get promotion at work, or possibly meet your dream partner. Well, with this year nearly coming to a close, how did you fare?
Did you action them and see
them through? Did you achieve them relatively easily and so set more challenging goals for yourself? Or did you just bomb out and end up accomplishing nothing or very little of what you thought you could? If you’re in the latter then don’t beat yourself up. Recognizing these shortcomings is the first giant step toward creating positive change in your life. The problem with New Year goal setting is that we always make initial promises to ourselves that things will be different. We promise to ourselves that we’ll be more focused, disciplined, and  motivated toward accomplishing our goals, yet within a couple of months or even weeks we’re repeating the same behaviors that have brought us so much disappointment and failure in the previous years. The great Albert Einstein famously said “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
How can you create change in your life and accomplish more of your goals if you keep acting and behaving in the same way? Your results will change when you change.

If you really want to accomplish your New Year Goals you need to and must be willing to take a different and more effective approach. Throughout the year we all at some points set ourselves goals, big and small, so we don’t require the start of a New Year to pull out our goal-setting caps and writing pads. However a new calendar year does have the psychological effect of giving us more focus, motivation; and in some ways an opportunity of wiping the slate clean and giving us a fresh new start after our failings the previous year. This attitude is particularly prevalent with ‘serial goal-setting failures’, however goal accomplishing, high achieving individuals never look for fresh starts; they just build on their past successes, creating more and more momentum thereby achieving bigger and better results. So do you want to kick the habit of using the dawn of a New Year as a time to wiping the slate clean and starting afresh and instead set yourself new and exciting goals that will see you continually moving forward to experience greater results in your life? As I mentioned earlier, the reasons why so many of us fail in ever realizing the New Year goals we set is because we follow the same old approach in the form of our behaviors and actions. This New Year, let’s turn over a new leaf. Let’s start applying a new approach that will see you continually moving forward day after day, month after month, year after year towards the accomplishment of your most cherished goals.